So, I’m looking here at the front page of one of the great internet “selling” sites It’s amazing how many things you can buy just from your house. I don’t even have to get out of bed. Bring my food to my bed, switch on my TV’s, and purchase life’s necessities all at once. Ah look, rings “fit for a princess”, how nice would that look on her finger. I think she would like the Three-Stone Diamond Ring, seems like the biggest bang for the buck. I wonder how much it is. Eh I don’t care. Why do girls need rings anyways? Maybe to look just like a “princess” as the title says. Oh look, I can protect my phone. Why would I want to protect my phone? It’s worthless anyways. I might as well get a new phone. Or an iPod looks pretty nice. Touch iPod, sounds sexual. Oh good shoes, just what I need. Another pair of shoes to clutter up my closet and be left untouched just like the restof the pointless shoes in there. Although, those Steve Madden pumps are pretty cute. I wonder what people would think if a man wore those Steve Madden pumps? I would think he would look reasonably fashionable considering Steve Madden is a quite fashionable brand. If a man wants to wear pumps, let the man wear pumps,especially if he has good taste. Ok, so I’ve been I’m dire need for a new camera for years now. Just look, its right in front of my face. It’s on the front page of! What would I do with my old camera? Throw it out and call it junk? I wonder how much junk is actually reusable.