Sunday, November 23, 2008

Art of the unconscious.

Is everything we see in in the everyday life subconsciously art? The video regarding graffiti removal which exemplified art made me think about everyday objects that could also exemplify art in the same way. The graffiti removal was subconsciously art. As they removed it, different colors and sizes of rectangles were used which created a pattern. Subconsciously the remover had no idea they were an artist at work. Some examples I can think of in everyday life are: the way bricks are layered, the half oval window in my bedroom, the way I arrange my pillows after I make my bed, the flashy light shows and displays at concerts, the way the vines/grapes are arranged in rows at vineyards, a Ferris wheel at the local fair, the color arrangement of the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store, etc. We all exemplify and incorporate art in our everyday life even though we don’t realize it. There are plenty of other ways that art is exemplified in everyday life, but its such a part of everyday life it is harder to distinguish than obvious art. It’s unobvious art, art created by the subconscious. Why do we have prestigious artists when we all are artists in our everyday life?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rain Under Cover.
Since I was having trouble embedding my audio, here is a link to listen to it. The audio is coming from outside underneath a metal cover over my patio. The rain is always emphasized when it hits my metal cover which is partly why I chose to do my audio underneath it while it rained in Seattle (surprise surprise).


Just to let everyone know, I've had my audio ready for the past 45 minutes, but there's one problem...I can't seem to upload it or embed it into my blog. I've followed the instructions Joe gave on the email, but its been nothing but frustration. I hope its not just me...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Leslie's Car Ride Film.

Taking a drive.
Wind blowing hair.
Free to talk.
Free to sing.
Free to think.
Free to be yourself.
Nothing else matters.
Cars honk loudly.
Sound of the road roars.
Sirens shriek.
But in the end,
it’s just a drive.

Cleaners Beware...

Man set fire to his Georgia home Wednesday while cleaning up cobwebs from his ceiling with a blowtorch; finally noticing it wasn't a good idea after he saw smoke filling up his house.

source: The Times-Herald

New Toy of 2009.

A stick from the outside [paired with a cardboard box] lands itself a position in the National Toy Hall of Fame amongst crayons, dolls, and Mr. Potato Head.

source: Seattle P-I

Bar Tab Paid with Gun Wrapper?

28-year-old man tried to pay for $32 bar tab with gum wrappers; he began unfolding the wrappers as if they were dollar bills. Later arrested for disorderly conduct and assult of police officer.

source: Seattle P-I

Soldier Blown up in Irag Survived.

Rory Dunn, blown up in Iraq four years ago; four pieces of shrapnel in his head, a missing eye, a rebuilt forehead, and deaf in one ear. Puts on his uniform.

source: The Seattle Times.

Send-Off for Tuba Man.

Musical memorial for "Tuba Man", Ed McMichael (53), beaten to death at Lower Queen Anne by three 15-year-olds. Nine days later...dead.

source: The Seattle Times

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quotes from Andy Warhol.

When I was reading through The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, I highlighted a few quotes that I felt were powerful to me, my everyday life, and what I go through.

"When I look in the mirror I only know that I don't see myself as others see me...Because I'm looking at myself the way I want to see myself..." (p.7)
We all have our own interpretations of ourselves and the way we look. Although others may see me as thin and decent looking, I never look at myself the way others see me. I'm always criticizing and finding things I need to work on.

"Couples do become like each other when they're together for a long time, because you like the person and you pick up their mannerisms and their little good habits. And you eat the same food." (p.49)
This quote reminded me of me and my boyfriend. We've been together for 2 1/2 years now. It's totally unconscious but we tend to do and act the same way now. Although we still definitely do have our differences, there are some aspects such as food, dress, and ways of speaking that show similarities.

"People should fall in love with their eyes closed. Just close your eyes and don't look." (p.50)
This quote to me was beautiful mainly because it is saying that beauty is beyond the outer layer. You shouldn't necessarily fall in love with someone based on their looks because [as cheesy as it may sound] whats on the inside is what's really going to take a couple far and make being in love that much more pleasant.

"If somebody runs at a 2.2, does that mean that people will be able to do it at 2.1 and 2.0 and 1.9 and so on until they can do it in 0.0? So at what point will they not break a record?" (p.85)
I honestly picked this quote for its wit. I've never thought about this concept. Just thinking about the Olympics this past summer, so many records were broken. People are getting faster and stronger, when WILL they reach the point where they can't break the record anymore?

"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." (p.111)
As time changes; the numbers on your watch change and you calender will need to be flipped over to another month. But to change things, it all depends on yourself. You are in ultimate control of yourself, your body, and your actions. Time can't do anything except move forward to a new day.

The Andy Warhol Bridge on 7th Street in Pittsburgh (Wikipedia image).

The Everyday Life of Shaleen DePano

I was thinking about reality TV the other day and comparing it to everyday life.

The Amazing Race
The Mole
The Real World
American Idol
The Bachelor

I had a hard time comparing due to the fact that, everyday life on reality TV shows is so much more spectacular than our everyday lives. Or is it the same? Could I have my own reality TV show? The Everyday Life of Shaleen DePano? Why is it that some people’s everyday lives are so much more interesting than others? I love how we make something such as The Real World so important and spectacular however, we often times hardly ever notice such everyday elements in our own life. If everyday life is so spectacular then why doesn’t everyone form their own shows. Furthermore, I think reality TV shows distort reality. First of all there is more than enough drama, torture, embarrassment, and temptation than there is in everyday life. And secondly, what we may see on a show as complete reality is only a few bit’s and pieces of selected/edited reality. Therefore, to answer my question regarding my own reality TV show, I would most likely have to cut and edit my everyday life, as well as include more drama, torture, embarrassment, and temptation in order to put my show on air.

Big, bold, beautiful?

I open up internet explorer and my homepage happens to be And BAM right below the search bar where all the items such as; Autos, Career and Jobs, City Guides, etc. there sat in big bold red letters Shopping. Such an easy access button; with one click it can take! It's funny how they're not only advertising items, but advertising links by making them stand out amongst the rest. Our economy is doing bad, but I didn't know it was that bad...