Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quotes from Andy Warhol.

When I was reading through The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, I highlighted a few quotes that I felt were powerful to me, my everyday life, and what I go through.

"When I look in the mirror I only know that I don't see myself as others see me...Because I'm looking at myself the way I want to see myself..." (p.7)
We all have our own interpretations of ourselves and the way we look. Although others may see me as thin and decent looking, I never look at myself the way others see me. I'm always criticizing and finding things I need to work on.

"Couples do become like each other when they're together for a long time, because you like the person and you pick up their mannerisms and their little good habits. And you eat the same food." (p.49)
This quote reminded me of me and my boyfriend. We've been together for 2 1/2 years now. It's totally unconscious but we tend to do and act the same way now. Although we still definitely do have our differences, there are some aspects such as food, dress, and ways of speaking that show similarities.

"People should fall in love with their eyes closed. Just close your eyes and don't look." (p.50)
This quote to me was beautiful mainly because it is saying that beauty is beyond the outer layer. You shouldn't necessarily fall in love with someone based on their looks because [as cheesy as it may sound] whats on the inside is what's really going to take a couple far and make being in love that much more pleasant.

"If somebody runs at a 2.2, does that mean that people will be able to do it at 2.1 and 2.0 and 1.9 and so on until they can do it in 0.0? So at what point will they not break a record?" (p.85)
I honestly picked this quote for its wit. I've never thought about this concept. Just thinking about the Olympics this past summer, so many records were broken. People are getting faster and stronger, when WILL they reach the point where they can't break the record anymore?

"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." (p.111)
As time changes; the numbers on your watch change and you calender will need to be flipped over to another month. But to change things, it all depends on yourself. You are in ultimate control of yourself, your body, and your actions. Time can't do anything except move forward to a new day.

The Andy Warhol Bridge on 7th Street in Pittsburgh (Wikipedia image).

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