From moment I signed up for this class, to the first day, up until the last day of class, everything has been a surprising and new experience. "Everyday Life", I thought when I signed up for this class, "How hard can it be?" Well turns out everday life is the hardest thing I've ever tried to grasp. I always thought it would be easy thinking about everyday life. When it came to the 20 minutes of nothing, turns out I wasn't doing nothing, I was doing what I wasn't supposed to do. I wasn't supposed to do nothing or something. I've always taken forgranted to little things that happen in my everday life that go unnoticed. This class has kept me on my toes and has kept me thinking. It's like a new way of thinking. Don't think extraordinary, think ordinary.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Impossible project.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Art of the unconscious.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rain Under Cover.
Since I was having trouble embedding my audio, here is a link to listen to it. The audio is coming from outside underneath a metal cover over my patio. The rain is always emphasized when it hits my metal cover which is partly why I chose to do my audio underneath it while it rained in Seattle (surprise surprise).
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Leslie's Car Ride Film.
Cleaners Beware...
source: The Times-Herald
New Toy of 2009.
source: Seattle P-I
Bar Tab Paid with Gun Wrapper?
source: Seattle P-I
Soldier Blown up in Irag Survived.
source: The Seattle Times.
Send-Off for Tuba Man.
source: The Seattle Times
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Quotes from Andy Warhol.
The Everyday Life of Shaleen DePano
I was thinking about reality TV the other day and comparing it to everyday life.
The Amazing Race
The Mole
The Real World
American Idol
The Bachelor
I had a hard time comparing due to the fact that, everyday life on reality TV shows is so much more spectacular than our everyday lives. Or is it the same? Could I have my own reality TV show? The Everyday Life of Shaleen DePano? Why is it that some people’s everyday lives are so much more interesting than others? I love how we make something such as The Real World so important and spectacular however, we often times hardly ever notice such everyday elements in our own life. If everyday life is so spectacular then why doesn’t everyone form their own shows. Furthermore, I think reality TV shows distort reality. First of all there is more than enough drama, torture, embarrassment, and temptation than there is in everyday life. And secondly, what we may see on a show as complete reality is only a few bit’s and pieces of selected/edited reality. Therefore, to answer my question regarding my own reality TV show, I would most likely have to cut and edit my everyday life, as well as include more drama, torture, embarrassment, and temptation in order to put my show on air.
Big, bold, beautiful?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Warhol and Goldsmith Writings.
So, I’m looking here at the front page of one of the great internet “selling” sites It’s amazing how many things you can buy just from your house. I don’t even have to get out of bed. Bring my food to my bed, switch on my TV’s, and purchase life’s necessities all at once. Ah look, rings “fit for a princess”, how nice would that look on her finger. I think she would like the Three-Stone Diamond Ring, seems like the biggest bang for the buck. I wonder how much it is. Eh I don’t care. Why do girls need rings anyways? Maybe to look just like a “princess” as the title says. Oh look, I can protect my phone. Why would I want to protect my phone? It’s worthless anyways. I might as well get a new phone. Or an iPod looks pretty nice. Touch iPod, sounds sexual. Oh good shoes, just what I need. Another pair of shoes to clutter up my closet and be left untouched just like the restof the pointless shoes in there. Although, those Steve Madden pumps are pretty cute. I wonder what people would think if a man wore those Steve Madden pumps? I would think he would look reasonably fashionable considering Steve Madden is a quite fashionable brand. If a man wants to wear pumps, let the man wear pumps,especially if he has good taste. Ok, so I’ve been I’m dire need for a new camera for years now. Just look, its right in front of my face. It’s on the front page of! What would I do with my old camera? Throw it out and call it junk? I wonder how much junk is actually reusable.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Final Cut Pro Weather Edition.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Surrealism at its finest.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The game of Life is structured in a way so that at the beginning of the game you skip your childhood and either go straight to college or start a career. The game is a shorter version of life itself with achievements and downfalls as you go along. In one short hour or two you see your “character” as one might call it, starting in his/her twenties I might assume, and ending in retirement. This game reflects the “real world” by putting some real world issues on the board such as “paying for your kids to go to college”, getting married, buying a house, buying stock, paydays, and having kids (well just sticking the colored pegs onto your car..), and it also puts some real world issues that hardly ever happen only if your so lucky as to land on the square per say. “Everyday life” is in the game of Life. The game of Life just makes “everyday life” seem that much more exciting. Every little square
Satisfaction guaranteed?
"Quote" from The Everyday.
“Whatever its other aspects, the everyday has this essential trait: it allows no hold. It escapes…the everyday is what we never see for a first time, but only see again, having always already seen it by an illusion that is, as it happens, constitutive of the everyday.” (p.36)
Reading through this book has been difficult, not only the word choice has been difficult but also the concepts. It was hard for me to find a quote or paragraph that I could understand to even reflect on. So although this may seen like an easy paragraph, I had to start somewhere…
The everyday life “allows no hold” in that time is constantly moving. There is not an instant where time has stopped. You yourself can stop and sit still for minutes, even hours, but everything else in the whole world continues. Even upon the death of a family member, the rest of the world is not in mourning, it keeps on moving; people go to work, walk their dogs, make a meal, etc. After those people have walked their dogs, that time spent walking their dog is gone. You don’t stop to think about how after your done walking your dog, that time you spent with your dog will be gone forever. “It escapes..”(36) states Maurice Blanchot. That everyday moment is no longer with you. “…the everyday is what we never see for a first time, but only see again, having always already seen it by an illusion that is, as it happens, constitutive of the everyday.” This statement means that the everyday is a thing, action, act, etc that we do on a monthly, daily, hourly basis. It is something that is so repetitive and common, we either do it many a times or we’ve seen someone else do it many a times.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Grocery directory.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I was about to go somewhere the other day (I forget where) and all of a sudden I stopped at my front door and looked around. I thought to myself, I am incredibly lucky to be living under this thing. I'm sheltered from rain, from the cold, from bugs, and from the coyotes that lurk outside. It might not be the nicest thing, but it protects me. When it comes to shelter, it doesn't matter if you have a mansion or a trailer.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
20 Minutes.
Honestly, I kept pushing off my 20 minutes of nothing because I didn't know how to fit in time to do nothing. I thought of a million other things I could be doing instead. But I gave it a go. I decided to spend my 20 minutes in silence in my room on my bed. There was a multitude of thoughts and "to-do's" going through my head. Then I looked out my window and all I could see were trees of different shapes and sizes. I never took the time to actually look out my window to look at, trees? The colors were warm and fall-like, and I would watch the leaves blow around and trickle down towards the ground. Besides the weather, fall is a beautiful season.
Ten minutes had eyes started to get droopy. I started to look around my room at all the various collections I had accumulated over the years. It seems each has its own story/meaning; from my palm tree bear my boyfriend brought back for me a couple years ago from Hawaii, to my finalized Sex and the City collection, my corner of volleyball trophy's and metals, and various pictures of loved ones scattered about. My room truely represents me. It has a little of my past, my present, and my future. It's like a time capsule.
Twenty minutes.
Whew. I'm not sure if I want to get out of bed and go do something now...
That was kinda nice!